Friday, May 29, 2009

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e. .. FSCC?

What more appropriate to de "The Devil Wears Prada"?

WEFT by (film )

Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is a recent graduate looking for work, just arrived in New York. would like to be a journalist and talent is not lacking, but the opportunity that happens does not reflect the aspirations.
These cover the coveted role of second assistant to Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the influential director of the prestigious fashion magazine Runway.
Andy has not the slightest inclination for fashion or hides all his ignorance on the matter, but is assumed. With the aim of resisting for a year before moving to the editor, Andy accepts the "diabolical" and director dell'inflessibile proposal to submit to any type of bullying by the same.
absorbed as it is by his work, increasingly neglects Andy's boyfriend Nate, friends and parents, but if it comes about to give up everything, then takes it hard. That work, in fact, could bring many benefits. for his future career as a journalist for the possibility of influential people in high places of more or less related to the publishing world is an opportunity not just . Over time, with help from Nigel (Stanley Tucci), the closest collaborator of the formidable director, Andy begins to treat her look and understand the importance of things which had never given any weight. This, combined with its intelligence and ability, making it more efficient in his work, so as to arrive at the blow replaced by the "first assistant" of Priestly, at the prestigious annual trip to Paris for Fashion Week. In
route now with your boyfriend who does not understand it more, in Paris Andy throws herself into the arms of Chris Thompson, a freelance great success that has already envisaged a bright future. When however, reveals these to be part of a plan under which the editor of Runway is going to give testimonial to the great Priestly, now considered obsolete, to make way for rampant Jacqueline Folley, Andy feels the urge to rush to the aid of his treacherous main, second in just burdened with private abandonment of yet another husband.
Andy rushes by Miranda to report what he knew, then, in the great public occasion which celebrates the "marriage" between the magazine and the stylist Runway Holt, the Priestly announced that the artistic director of the new company created by it will be Jacqueline, and the exposure Nigel, as expected. While yet another toad swallows Nigel, Miranda was thus ensured the continuation of his leadership as head of the magazine, having cleverly diverted elsewhere who would succeed it.
Hop in your car, Miranda tells Andy that he knew of the conspiracy behind it and therefore should not feel guilty about what happened to Nigel. The also said that in any case greatly appreciated, and that it is useless to be shocked so for the behavior of those who, trampling a friend secured his career, because she such a thing had already made , agreeing to come to Paris in place of someone who had prepared for months for this.
Facing the fact of being painted as a possible "new Miranda, Andy realizes that the road taken is very far from their aspirations and that the risk of being engulfed by a world that does not belong to it will become more concrete if it is unable stop in time. So leave the car and turn your back forever in Miranda and its temptations. Back in New York
retrieves the relationship with Nate and then
is taken as a journalist in a small newspaper, thanks to the good references of her former principal.

The film is based on the novel by Lauren Weisberger

Here is the trailer ...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Clipart Power Rangers


  • Hellebore is better than Blogspot ... and we say well why! hellebore is "more better" than blogspot blogspot because everyone thinks only about his blog, he focuses only on it and you lose your cooperation ...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trane Thermostat Diagram Hooked Up To A Ritetemp


some days I'm reading a book called Still from the girls and I had the opportunity to reflect on some questions that are routine for us but unfortunately, I have to say, tell us much of what has become our society.
We start from the analysis of some TV programs: anyone has ever seen
Dr. 90210 in programming on Sky where they see how mother and grandmother become child younger than barbie? The majority does not go to bridge but rather to become an uncomfortable plastic!;

My Super Sweet Sixteen on MTV where boys and girls squeeze their parents to have a birthday party and make a millionaire the envy of friends, or even Paris Hilton BFF (bestfriends FOREVER) girls willing to do anything to become the best friends in Paris? ..

There could be lots of examples, but say that they already make their "terrible figure" ..
What comes to people and what are the messages that are unconsciously appropriated? Those
a fashion that does not take but equally unique and unrepeatable, petty and superficial?! ..
But let the children's fashion from the publication: have you noticed the little games sponsored? Intelligent games for the boys or with character dolls for girls to rock to become the mothers of tomorrow, tricks butterfly-shaped and the like to keep the "fashionable" shoes to jump on the "fashion" .. in short games that do not stray that much from those of their mothers!

Without mentioning names brands of clothes for girls?
MONELLA Vagabond MISS RIBELLINA, Dolls, and other fanciful names, or rather, other labels to stick on the girls!
I know a little 'to you, in all honesty, what are your opinions about it, if found in the fact that the models actually served up by TV and media are really taking on people and on you.

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digital identity

Digital identity card

-C 'was once (back in 1997 , I think) ... The first console with which I acquainted (with enthusiasm): playstation1. variety of games to delight in leisure

- 1998/99: begin the first hand experience with the computer, but only for games. some play on primitive man (the latter is certainly less primitive graphics of that game ...) and draw-image editing with Paint

-2000 : the mobile phone into my life for the first time, and since then I never abandoned. First SMS and use of services such as, for example, timcafè

- 2001-02: computers get interesting to me. Expand my knowledge of electronic writing essays in Word-homework (which I still do, even now!) for academic subjects. Meanwhile, mobile phones undergo significant changes (and I'm dying with curiosity to use them!)

- 2003: my new computer with new Windows XP operating system I like a lot, but something is still missing because an intense complicity between us is born ... Working with the Office, in its almost totality: Word, Power Point, Excel, Access ....

- 2004: Internet at home (a bit 'late, is not it?). Emule, Msn is my very first love on the net. Following the creation of an e-mail with my name, domain Tiscali. Meanwhile I'm leafing in search of news - information about the university (it is never too early!)

- 2005: membership in different social networks (Badoo, Netlog, MySpace ...). They were interesting to exchange opinions, in addition to "socialize" with the world. First approaches to online games (Ultima). Abandoned attempts soon after.

- 2006 : skype, msn and evolve with them ... I create my first blog on MSN, blog is still active and updated. Several interesting programs for the construction of RWM or editing digital hole.

- 2007: Thanks to "exercises Informatica1" I find gmail, gtalk, google maps, docs and all the resources hitherto unknown to me google

- 2008: I find I enjoy Facebook and others to pry the facts, as well as create groups that will reach members of unimaginable odds.
Discover Windows Vista (the graphics are beautiful, but gives them some problems ..) and buy a Vaio, with whom I'm working on the project Ambientidigitali (in addition to the actions that have become routine in the network: electronic mail, participate in forums Discussion, book exams and so on).
Also, try to create my first program ("Hello World!", What a thrill for an amateur like me!).

My Stomach Still Hurts After The Flu

Tic Tac ... Tic tac ... The bench

Hi, guys the " fantasticomondodifscc ! We try to entertain as much as possible on these virtual living rooms that are blogging, commenting and collaborating to make it interactive ... Time is running out ... be "landed with"! : DDDD
Just to play down (as in class we always talk about the craziness giallappesca ...), just for you, here is a gift from Sunday Fantasticomondodifscc ---->

(this house is Dr. I like it! Cloud for president!)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Recommended Crossover Setting


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Ironically! My last post talked about "Characters in Search of an Author ... Today I invited several of you to participate as authors to my little "digital creation" ... I hope you can contribute to its healthy growth in an original way, balanced (or even the opposite!), Bored .... or at least I only hope that you can (and want) help! Please just do not change the layout of the blog (I like it like this ... Do not make the smiley faces perplexed !!!)... For the rest, total freedom! I remind you that the theme I am trying to address is "how fashion evolves in time"; keywords: dynamism and subjectivity.
I will continue to lavoraci. Hopefully not alone:)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting Rid Rhabdomyolysis

We Characters in Search of a benevolent author ....

(premise: it might not be considered "interesting" or, even worse! Not be considered just, not being based on "Dr. House ".... but I like to think that world there are a number of things that can be considered to be good even if not shared by the shapeless mass of small heads that nod for the sheer pleasure of being left alone in their eternal stasis ...)

The following text could be so full of meaning to be the most confusing. If so, ask an effort to interpret higher than usual. I will not go into further details.

"The father : I dare not contradict you, sir. But I think he is horrible for us who are suffering as we see, with this body, with this figure ..

DIRECTOR: but makes up with make-up, sir, for what concerns the figure!

father : Yeah, but the voice, gesture ...

DIRECTOR: oh, really!! Here she, like her, can not be! Here is the actor that represents him and just!

father : I understand, sir ... Now maybe I guess also because our author, we saw it live, then would not comporci for the scene. I do not want to hurt his actors . God forbid!

representation that will, including efforts to make to resemble, is unlikely to be a representation of me, as they really are. will be playing as he rather that I am, as he I feel and not how I feel inside I . And I think of this, who is called upon to judge us, should be taken into account.

DIRECTOR: It gives reviews of critical thinking now? And I still feel that I was! But let me say, criticism. And we think rather than to put on the play, if you can! ... "


Monday, May 18, 2009

Neuro Musculoskeletal Disease

sex and the city: the value of friendship

I got to thinking about that lately, unfortunately, the ' friendship is treated as fashion ... Fashion in the most trivial of the word! The fashion change friends, had a habit of discarding it as no longer "in" of the season ... How do you think a friend might be similar to an "object" of consumption? E 'is unacceptable that this value is also lost, along with many others ...
But for the inveterate dreamers, idealists, certain values \u200b\u200bcan not go ... They can not cease to exist, despite the constant disappointments.
When the whole world is falling apart, you have to believe in something to be able to move forward, no? I continue to believe it ...

the video speaks for itself, I'm sure ...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Using 3 Domgle With World Of Warcraft

few words ...

"Creativity is to combine existing elements with new and useful" H. Poincare
is when the world rediscover the creativity, understood as openness to innovation, to change attitudes crystallized-coded, that we can enjoy our nature as human beings.
Fashion is first of all creativity.
no "rule" to follow pre ...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Blue Shirt With Blue Shirt Ok

Crazy Krizia

"I never thought about fashion in relation to age. I wear what I like, that is fine by me, the one where I feel good, no relation with what journalists claim to be more or less fashionable. Just one thing I enjoy, that interests me at the moment, I do it today as I always have. In the future, I believe, the dress will continue to be the way more immediate and closer to our skin that we have to express ourselves, to introduce the world to speak of ourselves, to know our choices, our membership or our sympathy for a group, ethnic group, a category, a way of being, of living, pensare.E this expressive value transcends all the fashion garment practical necessity that is well understood: the dress as a means to cover, to defend themselves from view and weather will also disappear once we have passed in the future, perhaps every sense of decency, every embarrassment, every drop of self-esteem (having now all conquered the perfect bodies and able to hold these over time) and when we live in a perpetual condition. But never give up and express ourselves through renew the fashion game. I have no crystal ball to see into the future, but I think I can say, if I know something about my neighbor, which will be so "

are the words of one of the most famous Italian fashion designers of our time, Mariuccia Mandelli , Krizia in art.
We find strong support for the ideas expressed in previous posts, here demonstrates why I have published. Moreover, this woman I was always inspired a sense of freedom, happiness, energy with his creations ! E 'as if he had tried to turn the fashion world in a kind of "Age of Aquarius" ....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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BACK by popular demand .....

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Breakfast at Tiffany's - "a timeless fashion" some phrase

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Freezing Genital Warts


" I was the only one to change, not fashion " C. Chanel

because it imparts a continuous fashion is made of continuous adjustments, changes, revolutions, but can not eliminate the substantial continuity ... Nothing is created or destroyed, just changes everything.

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"Fashion adopt the favored son of Art: Beauty and Obsession" --- (my "thoughts discrete")

We started by fashion and we must go back to it.

think about fashion, the first thing that I think should be emphasized is the dominant image . And 'the era of dictatorship exercised by all that can be perceived by sight, which makes of him the other senses.
The man relates to the world of fashion initially and primarily through sight (in addition to the touch, but it draws a more material). Now, art in general needs to be experienced aesthetically and be "eaten" by sight.
E 'for this reason that I consider photography, visual art par excellence.
In particular, I would consider a famous fashion photographer, Helmut Newton .
This man, since the early 60's of last century, works with many prestigious fashion magazines. What sets him apart is his matchless picture, full of symbolic references that testify to the changes taking place during the years in which he lives. The protagonists of his photographic creations are women, often captured nude.

photos are full of provocation. In them you play with evil, sexuality, eccentricity, relative ... Not have anything to innocent (after all many famous artists argue that art can not be anything resembling innocence).
The woman is shown in his being carnal in its pure state represents eroticism. Newton's photographs in some cases border on bad taste (of course I did not post the most explicit, having to go to a wide audience).
But the art has this quality: the more provocative and irreverent, the more it is considered unique.
Newton leaked from the creations of the feeling of pleasure-seeking that becomes obsessive, perverse, they are representatives of an anti-moral. This link
between beauty, obsession and perversion has been widely discussed in reference to various arts (just to give you an example, Oscar Wilde must have known something, otherwise they will remember him as the best advocate and practitioner of modern hedonism!).
The question I ask is this: The fashion, which typically embodies the beauty of its appearance is necessarily affected by morbid, perverse?
I think that too many factors come into play in order to provide a clear answer and satisfying. What is certain is that the theme of beauty is so broad and complex, being related, in some cases, obsession and morbidity.
That is why I titled this post "Fashion adopt the favored son of Art: Beauty and Obsession."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Juicy Couture Laptop Case15''