some days I'm reading a book called Still from the girls and I had the opportunity to reflect on some questions that are routine for us but unfortunately, I have to say, tell us much of what has become our society.
We start from the analysis of some TV programs: anyone has ever seen Dr. 90210 in programming on Sky where they see how mother and grandmother become child younger than barbie? The majority does not go to bridge but rather to become an uncomfortable plastic!;
or My Super Sweet Sixteen on MTV where boys and girls squeeze their parents to have a birthday party and make a millionaire the envy of friends, or even Paris Hilton BFF (bestfriends FOREVER) girls willing to do anything to become the best friends in Paris? ..
There could be lots of examples, but say that they already make their "terrible figure" ..
What comes to people and what are the messages that are unconsciously appropriated? Those
a fashion that does not take but equally unique and unrepeatable, petty and superficial?! ..
But let the children's fashion from the publication: have you noticed the little games sponsored? Intelligent games for the boys or with character dolls for girls to rock to become the mothers of tomorrow, tricks butterfly-shaped and the like to keep the "fashionable" shoes to jump on the "fashion" .. in short games that do not stray that much from those of their mothers!
Without mentioning names brands of clothes for girls?
MONELLA Vagabond MISS RIBELLINA, Dolls, and other fanciful names, or rather, other labels to stick on the girls!
I know a little 'to you, in all honesty, what are your opinions about it, if found in the fact that the models actually served up by TV and media are really taking on people and on you.
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